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 BankTree Online Personal Finance - Reconciliation


In BankTree Online Personal Finance reconciling accounts is a process of checking the balance on your bank statement and correlating this with the online application.

To start to reconcile your account, click on the RECONCILE button (on the accounts page). The view will change, The word RECONCILE is displayed next to the account name. You can switch back to the normal mode by clicking the account name

  • You can show all unreconciled transactions, all uncleared transactions, all reconciled transactions or all transactions. Just click the link for each option.
  • Check your statement with any unreconciled transactions and select the item, just by clicking the row, so the row becomes highlighted. To select ALL; check the tick box for the header at the top.
  • After making your selection the SELECTED EDIT drop down menu will become enabled. You can change the status of all selected transactions by selecting Mark Reconciled. You can also go back a status by selecting Mark Uncleared, or Mark Cleared if you need to do so.

you can also run the Reconciliation report which will show the previous reconciled balance and the current balance.

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