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 BankTree Online Personal Finance - Backup / Restore


You can manually backup your current data file to our secure servers.

Go to the Settings icon and select the Profile menu - Select the Backup / Restore Data Tab.

To Backup your current data file, simply press the BACKUP button. We only keep a single copy of your data file, this will overwrite any existing backup with your latest data.

To Restore your data file, if you have a current backup you will see the date and time the backup was done. Press the RESTORE button, and you are done.

The backup file that is created can also be opened in the BankTree 3.0 desktop application. Once you have created a backup - Click on the Download button to download the data file to your computer. Run the BankTree desktop application, and select the Open file menu. selecting the data file you have just downloaded to your computer.


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