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How to Buy BankTree Personal Finance 3.0

How to purchase the full version of BankTree Personal Finance.

Screen Layouts

In this tutorial you will learn about how to use the screen layout, the accounts bar, account register, investment register and the reports screen layout, making entry, easy and fun.


In this tutorial you will learn about creating a new data file, creating accounts, different types of accounts and the accounts bar. Don't see any video? Try Account's Tutorial

Categories & Budgets

In this tutorial you will learn about categories and budgets, what they are, how to set them up and how to use the budget report. Don't see any video? Try Categories & Budgets Tutorial

Importing Files

In this tutorial you will learn about importing files, CSV files and Quicken / Ms Money file formats such as QIF / QFX / OFX. You will learn about formatting your file correctly, matching duplicate records, setting up import rules and categorising entries. Don't see any video? Try Importing Files Tutorial

Account Transactions

In this tutorial you will learn about the account register, entering transactions, account transfers, foreign currencies transfers, and split transactions. You will learn about setting up accounts, groups, banks, payees, categories, payments, keywords, attaching receipts and account passwords. Don't see any video? Try Account Transactions Tutorial

Securities & Investments

In this tutorial you will learn about settings up securities and investment accounts. You will learn about the investment downloads, price history, and transaction history, how to create investment transactions and about the investment reports.

Scheduled Items

In this tutorial you will learn about scheduled items, creating schedule transactions for both your cash and investment accounts. Dealing with fixed and variable payments. You will also learn about scheduled reminders and forecasting / future transactions.

Cloud Synchronisation

In this tutorial you will learn about setting up cloud synchronisation between the desktop application and the mobile app. You will learn how to register the mobile app with Google Drive, how to synchronise your files, and adding transactions on the mobile app. Don't see any video? Try Cloud Synchronisation Tutorial

Account Reconciliation & Checking

In this tutorial you will learn about account reconciliation, how to check your bank statement and reconciling your account transactions.

Reports, Exports & Print

In this tutorial you will learn about reports, file export and printing.

Backup, Restore & Archive

In this tutorial you will learn about backing up files, restoring files and file archiving.

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