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 BankTree Online Personal Finance - Transfers


In BankTree Online Personal Finance transfers are created when you select the transaction type of Transfer, when adding a transaction. The details of how to create a transfer have already been discussed in the article regarding account transactions.

There are generally two types of transfers, one where both transfer accounts have the same currency, and one where they have different currencies.

Where both currencies are the same, the transfers are linked together. When one transaction and the amount field is edited the opposite value for the other account is also amended at the same time.

Where both currencies are different. When the transaction is initially created the exchange rate is used to calculate the value of the "Account To" transaction, however this is supposed to be a speculative value and the bank will charge a different value once the transaction clears. For this reason when editing the amount field, the transfer transaction is not updated. Even if it is known what rate will be charged, the Amount for the "Account To" transaction can be changed independent of the Amount for the "Account From".

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